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Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

My Favorite (Healthy) Snacks!

My Favorite (Healthy) Snacks!

     I'm a huge snacker, when I'm bored or watching a show, I instantly crave a snack.  Even after I've had dinner a need a small snack for dessert.  The problem is, at least for me, that snacking is what leads to weight gain.  My meals are relatively healthy, or at least not junk food, but when it came to snacking, they usually were processed, boxed, junk food, or all of the above.  I've tried eliminating snacks completely but I ended up either eating only 900 calories a day or becoming desperate and binging.  I needed to find a healthy snack to keep me balanced and thankfully I did!  Check out my favorite healthy snacks below.

MaraNatha Coconut Almond Butter (or regular)

This is my favorite almond butter of all time, but almond butter in general is amazing!  I'm allergic to peanuts, although I never liked them to begin with, so this such a great option.  I have it as a breakfast or snack on rice cakes, any fruit, mixed with greek yogurt with honey and chia seeds, or even a spoonful by itself!

Kashi Island Vanilla Cereal

I recently discovered this cereal and although, ironically, I haven't had it for breakfast, I love it as a snack! It's like the healthy version of Frosted Mini Wheats, they're crunchy and feel like Mini Wheats, but they have a subtle, sweet vanilla flavor instead of being frosted, and they're healthy. 

Skinny Pop

When you're binge watching Netflix, popcorn is a must, but it can be so high calorie and buttery, canceling out all the benefits popcorn actually has.  Skinny Pop for me is the best alternative! They sell various flavors, although Lightly Salted is my favorite and it really does satisfy that popcorn craving without all the junkyness of it. After I found out that a regular movie popcorn bag has the equivalent calories of 12 hamburgers, it tasted even more delicious than it already did!

Glutino Pretzels

Another healthy and savory snack I recently discovered and am addicted to! I know a lot of people always say, "Don't worry, it doesn't even taste like it's gluten free at all!!" but it really is true in this case.  I think I might like them even more than regular pretzels!  They're small and super crunchy, but I recommend to eat them out of a cup instead of right out of the huge bag like I did because I finished them within two days...!

Madecasse Sea Salt and Nibs Dark Chocolate

Everybody craves chocolate once in a while, or like me, 24/7, but we don't all have the metabolism to satisfy that craving with a brownie or ice cream.  I also love sea salt on anything sweet, and this chocolate hits right on the spot.  It's 63% dark chocolate, which actually has a ton of health benefits and it has cocoa nibs sprinkled on top, a really good superfood.  This has such good flavors, you'll never crave a Hershey Bar again!*

*Okay that might be impossible but this chocolate sure helps! 

      These snacks for me have helped me reach the perfect balance between satisfying my cravings but maintaining a healthy lifestyle.  Snacking is actually a really important part of any eating routine, but like in everything, so is moderation.  I always say, it's better to treat yourself with a snack when you're craving it, then deprive yourself of it and go desperate and eat the whole box! 

My Favorite Healthy Meals

My Favorite Healthy Meals

Currently In: Carbone

Currently In: Carbone