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Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

My Fitness Story & Routine

My Fitness Story & Routine

      I’ve always had a naturally skinny body.  I started practicing ballet at age 3, I did tennis, horseback riding, gymnastics… But one Summer when I was fifteen, my best friends all did trips for their birthdays plus I went to a Summer program and discovered the independence to eat whatever I wanted.  That was the year I discovered that I would not always have the luck of a super fast metabolism and I could easily gain weight.  Before I go on I want to clarify that I don’t push myself to stay skinny and fit because being skinny is “the norm” or “what’s beautiful” none of that bullsh*t.  I want to maintain a really fit body because not only is it how I feel comfortable and happy but it’s a matter of having a healthy body.  If you don’t care about not being skinny then by all means, but for me it’s not a matter of looks but how unhealthy and even dangerous weight gain can be.

     Anyways, I’m not a sporty girl, but I wanted to stay fit and exercise so I needed to find some way to do that.  My mom got really into pilates and I went to a class and fell in love!! I do it on the reformer and really there’s nothing like it, not even yoga.  It’s so relaxing and you come out feeling so fresh yet you really, and I mean really feel your muscles burning and the results are an incredibly fit yet slim body.  It works from the core out so you’re super strong but not bulky at all.  My trainer’s body is seriously the best I’ve ever seen, you should check out her instagram!     

     Through her, we met my other trainer, Laya, and besides the occasional pilates, I trained with Laya at my house twice a week. It was basic training and we worked every part of the body and did cardio and because of her I actually look forward to working out. She’s now all of my family’s trainer and comes to my house like 5 times a week. She’s amazing and you should check out her instagram too.

     Unfortunately, I had to leave for college and neither Laya nor Andrea could come with me, but my biggest fear years prior was always the “Freshman 15” so I needed to figure something out.

      In came Sworkit, the best fitness app I have ever seen!  It’s free and it’s been so helpful. It has a ton of different workouts for strength, cardio, yoga, stretching and even pilates, plus there are already set routines for whatever you want to workout for.  You do a specific workout for thirty seconds and after 5 different ones you get a thirty second break.  I try to workout everyday for 30 minutes to an hour and I alternate between exercises and routines. Here are my favorites:

  • Core strength (28 exercises, I do this 30 minutes)
  • Brazilian lift (13 exercises, 15 minutes)
  • Back strengthening (12 exercises, 15 minutes)
  • When you click the yoga section, there's a full body pilates routine you can do, for however long you wish

Since this post has run a bit long, I'll do a separate one where I list the specific exercises that the routines I do contain.  Stay tuned for my healthy eating habits/routine, more tips and more on health and fitness! 

I'm back! & Tokyo bound!

I'm back! & Tokyo bound!

ABC Carpet & Home

ABC Carpet & Home