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Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

73 Questions with B!

73 Questions with B!

     I love Vogue's video series 73 Questions!  They ask nonstop 73 questions, of any sort, to a celebrity and they are so much fun to watch.  One of my favorite parts is that most are in the celebrity's house so you get a little tour of Reese Witherspoon's, SJP's (my two favorites), Taylor Swift's, even Nicole Kidman's huge country house in Australia.  As I watched them I always wondered how they can answer so quickly and often with such wit, and I tried doing it myself as I watched.  So I decided to take 73 questions from the different videos I watched and here are my answers! 

1. Favorite food?


2. Do you bake?

Love to!

3. Style icon?

As of right now, Kendall Jenner.

4. Favorite ice cream?

Ben & Jerry’s Mint Chocolate Chunk.

5. What’s something you still have from your childhood?

My curiosity and my baby blanket (which I still sleep with every night).

6. Favorite movie?

Citizen Kane, by Orson Welles.

7. Last country you visited?

St. Barth’s.

8. Country you want to go the most?

Japan, which I’m going to this May!

9. What film made you cry?

Bridge to Terabithia.

10. Beach or city?


11. When was the last time you cried?

When my parents left after visiting me in New York.

12. Dogs or cats?

Dogs all the way.

13. Favorite trend?

Statement shoes.

14. Favorite season?


15. Favorite dessert?

Chocolate soufflé.

16. Favorite room in your house?

My dad’s studio/den and the kitchen.

17. Best way to decompress?

I used to enjoy volunteering at a children’s foster home, back home.

18. Favorite TV series?

Sex and the City, Grey’s Anatomy, Gossip Girl, Mad Men.

19. Favorite cocktail?

Moscow Mule.

20. Best gift you’ve ever received?

Hand-written letters, which I love to go back to.

21. Favorite fruit?

Strawberries and mangoes.

22. First pet?

A Boston Terrier named Bosco.

23. Diamonds or pearls?


24. If you could be anyone for a day, who would you be?

Blake Lively.

25. If you could go back in time, when would you go? 

America 1958 to 1976.

26. Window seat or aisle?

Window seat always.

27. Your best quality?

I’m very observant and open minded.

28. Biggest weakness?

It’s hard for me to make decisions, as you can see by these questions and I’m a huge procrastinator.

29. How long have you lived in NYC?

Almost a year but I came often ever since I was little.

30. Favorite thing to do?

Besides travel, drive to the beach and enjoy the beach.  

31. First date idea?

A movie and then dinner so you have a good conversation starter.

32. Favorite book?

This is the toughest one! My first favorite book ever was The Gallagher Girls series but more adult probably A Doll House by Henrik Ibsen.

33. On a scale from 1 to 10 how excited are you about life right now?

Six, I want to get over this semester already!

34. Favorite NYC restaurant?

Sushi of Gari and Elio’s.

35. Favorite restaurant in Puerto Rico?


36. Coolest thing you own?

My dad’s gold ring with the family crest on it and two watches that were my mom’s that my dad gave to her.

37. What do you love on your pizza?

Italian sausage, arugula, and parmesan cheese.

38. Weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?

Rattle snake.

39. If you could have any talent, what would it be?

Have an exquisite singing voice.

40. To be or not to be? 

To be!

41. If you would get a tattoo, where would it be and what?

I want a small paper airplane on the outer side of my right foot.

42. Favorite cookie?

Chocolate chips with Maldon salt sprinkled on top.

43. Favorite animal?

Dogs and tigers.

44. What did you wear to prom?

A beautiful, strapless, blush J. Mendel gown, I felt like a princess.

45. Last gift you gave?

A set of fashion travel books, a Net-a-Porter travel kit and Dyptique Mimosa candle for my best friend.

46. Last gift you received?

Gucci loafers from my dad and the coolest Anya Hindmarch pouch with patches from my mom.

47. Historical figure you’d like to have coffee with?

Pablo Picasso and/or Jackie Kennedy. 

48. Favorite curse word?


49. Favorite board game?

Trivial Pursuit.

50. Favorite color?

Rose Quartz and burgundy.

51. Least favorite color?


52. Favorite shampoo and conditioner?

Herbal Essences Hydrating Coconut or Aveda Rosemary Mint.

53. Pilates or yoga?

I swear by pilates.

54. Favorite accessory?

A Cartier Love bracelet.

55. Most attractive body part on a man?

Arms and neck.

56. What time do you got to bed at night?

Around 12:00 to 1:30am.

57. What’s your spirit animal?

If a mermaid counts…

58. Cutest thing ever?

Babies, I’m obsessed.

59.  Last song you listened to?

Facts (Charlie Heat Version) from The Life of Pablo by Kanye West

60.  Prince William or Prince Harry?

Prince Harry.

61.  Last concert you went to?

Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Induction 2016

62. Favorite class in high school? 

English and History.

63. Worst class in high school?


64. Favorite champagne?

Billecart Salmon Rosé.

65. What is the least favorite thing about yourself? 

My forehead.

66. What book did you read because everybody was reading it?

Fifty Shades of Grey.

67. Last thing you ate?

Passion fruit doughnut from Dough, incredible by the way. 

68. What are you most looking forward to?

Summer vacation.

69. Current goal?

Making this blog successful and enjoying it.

70. Favorite smell?

Vail, Colorado has a distinct smell that makes me feel so good and happy.

71. Favorite sport to watch?


72. Last person you talked to on the phone?

My mom.

73. Person you miss the most?

My best friend.

Hope you enjoyed this and try it out for yourself!! You can see the videos on Vogue's Youtube channel.

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